Additions to the Flora of the Continental Northwest Territories from the Great Slave Lake Area


  • Paul M. Catling Biodiversity, National Program on Environmental Health, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Wm. Saunders Bldg., Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6


Mots-clés :

Additions, range extensions, vascular plants, Northwest Territories, Canada


Eleven species are reported as new to the flora of the continental Northwest Territories. The new native species include Artemesia dracunculus, Chenopodium leptophyllum, Eleocharis erythropoda, Panicum capillare, Schoenoplectus pungens and Symphyotrichum lanceolatum subsp. hesperium var. hesperium. New alien species reported include Achillea ptarmica, Chaenorhinum minus, Galium aparine, Malva neglecta and Silene cserei. Sonchus arvensis, previously reported, is based on material referable to a subsp. uliginosus. Forms new to the flora include Achillea millefolium f. rosea and Actaea rubra f. neglecta. Locations, habitats and distinctive features are provided for the additional taxa. The Hay River lowland ecoregion is a floristically rich area that deserves more botanical exploration.


Erratum included.



